Welcome to the NEXTIO API documentation. This guide will help you understand how to integrate and use our API effectively.
All API requests require authentication using a Bearer token. You can obtain your token by logging in through our authentication endpoint.
Authorization: Bearer your_access_token
Our API uses WebSocket connections to provide real-time updates during the prediction process.
// Connect to WebSocket const socket = io("https://api.vkist.ai/v2/prediction", { query: { predictionCode: "your_prediction_code" }, path: "/socket/v2" });
// Analysis event data { "ultrasoundImage": { "description": "string", "result": boolean, "probability": number }, "orofacialClefts": { "description": "string", "result": boolean, "probability": number } }
// Face prediction progress event data { "totalProgress": number, "type": "progress" | "predict" | "optimize" | "complete", "status": "pending" | "processing" | "done" | "invalid", "result": { "imageUrl": "string" // Only present when type is "complete" } }